
地建师DJSER 2019-04-19 15:15:24


「 SHL相信建筑创造改变。 我们致力于创造 迎接现代社会挑战、改善公众和团体生活、 以一种崭新的方式让人们聚集在一起的建筑设计。 SHL believe that architecture creates change. We strive to design buildings that mee

「 SHL相信建筑创造改变。




SHL believe that architecture creates change.

We strive to design buildings

that meet the challenges of a modern society;

that shape the lives of people and organisations;

that make people come together in new ways. 」

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Two Schmidt Hammer Lassen projects — NIO House Hangzhou West Lake located on a UNESCO World Heritage site, andBeijing Vanke Times Center in Beijing’s busy Chaoyang District— were shortlisted as finalists among 1,117 submissions from 323 companies, and will make a live presentation and compete for the annual gold award of China Real Estate Design Award 2018 - 2019!




 SHL侯选作品  |  NO.1 

10:00 - 10:05


E1馆 M15会议室

NIO House / Hangzhou West Lake

Venue E1, Meeting Room M15

Photo by SchRAN

坐落在中国杭州美丽的西子湖畔,全新的NIO House蔚来中心结合了新型汽车展示空间和会员俱乐部,将蔚来品牌精髓与西湖文化融合在一起,让用户们多感官深入体验NIO蔚来 向自然致敬的品牌哲学。

Located on the scenic West Lake waterfront in Hangzhou, China, the new flagship automotive gallery and clubhouse for car manufacturer NIO blends the company brand with West Lake culture, giving consumers a multi-sensory understanding of NIO’s environmentally-rooted brand philosophy.

Photo by SchRAN

NIO House蔚来中心杭州西湖店,是SHL为蔚来打造的第二个用户中心。全新的NIO House蔚来中心拥有俯瞰西湖的景致。SHL设计的排名前列座蔚来中心,已于今年二月在上海兴业太古汇开幕。杭州西湖店是一座以用户为中心,颠覆传统汽车品牌展厅的新型空间。

The second NIO House automotive showroom designed by Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects opened recently in Hangzhou, China overlooking the West Lake, a UNESCO World Heritage site that is one of the most beautiful sights in the country. As with the architectural firm’s first NIO House, which opened in Shanghai in February, NIO House West Lake is a design-centric take on the traditional car showroom for innovative electric car company NIO. 

点击阅读 项目详情

Read more about NIO House Hangzhou West Lake

 SHL候选作品  |  NO.2 

10:55 - 11:00

万科时代中心 / 北京十里堡

E2馆 M17会议室

Vanke Times Center / Beijing SLP

Venue E2, Meeting Room M17

Photo by UAP


Located in Beijing’s busy Chaoyang District, Vanke Times Center is a new creative urban complex that blends retail shops and offices with grand art installations, a multi-functional exhibition space, and a bamboo meditation garden. Vanke, one of the country’s largest residential property developers, commis-sioned Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects for its first complete renovation project — the revitalization of a former shopping mall into a vibrant hub for the city. 

Photo by Yuzhu Zheng


As a renovation project, Schmidt Hammer Lassen’s sustainable design focuses on site utilization, energy consumption, water-saving measures and careful material selection. The building has been pre-certified as LEED Gold.

点击阅读 项目详情

Read more about Vanke Times Center 

 演讲者 Speaker 

陆蓉 - SHL 合伙人 & 首席项目总监

Rong Lu - Partner & Chief Project Director, SHL

丹麦SHL建筑事务所于1986年创立于丹麦奥胡斯。作为斯堪的纳维亚地区最富盛名的设计事务所之一,公司目前在丹麦哥本哈根、奥胡斯和上海设有办公室。我们在全球范围内提供专业的建筑服务,在国际上拥有诸多享有口碑和影响力的设计。主要设计领域和项目实践有:文化公建和教育建筑、办公建筑、商业及零售建筑、多功能建筑及城市综合体、改造和城市更新设计。我们提供完整的设计方案,从室内设计到整体设计,从概念设计到总体规划,从建筑细节到城市发展、景观规划。我们在图书馆、文化和大型公建项目上尤其经验丰富,拥有许多地标性的设计。我们的设计根植于开放包容的斯堪的纳维亚建筑美学传统,将美感、光线的利用、可持续性和社会责任紧密结合。我们在建筑设计上的创新性、可持续性和开放性吸引了许多国际上的关注,也为我们赢得了100多个国内外著名的奖项。2018年初,SHL正式加盟 Perkins+Will 全球建筑设计事务所,双方的战略伙伴关系将拓展SHL在中国的发展。

Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects was founded in Aarhus, Denmark in 1986. The firm is one of Scandinavia’s most recognized and award-winning architectural practices. Working out of studios located in Copenhagen, Aarhus, and Shanghai, the firm provides skilled architectural services all over the world, with a distinguished track record as designers of international, high-profile architecture. Cultural and educational buildings, offices, commercial, retail, and residential buildings, often in mixed-use developments and complex urban contexts, are cornerstones of the firm’s output. The practice has extensive global experience in the design of libraries and other public and cultural landmark buildings, and its innovative, sustainable, and democratic approach to architecture has attracted global attention, winning more than 100 national and international awards. Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects, now part of global architecture and design firm Perkins+Will.






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△ 2017-2018地产设计大奖·中国

△ 2016-2017地产设计大奖·中国
